St. Mark's Teachers College Kigari

Ability, Responsibility, Maturity



The department comprises of the following Learning Areas.

Social studies.

Environmental Education

Religious Education.

The department seeks to help trainees acquire knowledge, skills and personal attributes that would make them understand and appreciate the processes, value and  systems by which the society exists and is governed and the means by which they can participate in those processes.

It also deal with development of concepts, skills and attributes that enable one to make informed decisions and take action on the basis of issues rather than on opinionated expediency.

It equips trainees with civic knowledge that helps them acquire public knowledge or awareness which makes them be able to cope with the social, economic and political challenges or conditions in the society.


This enables our trainees to have the necessary knowledge, skills, and desired attitude, which in turn enable them to make informed participation, choices and decisions about various issues in life in essence. The department teaches about individual rights and freedoms and also responsibilities that they have in the social economic, political, environmental, legal and cultural context in the country.

It also trains in capacity building initiatives and enhanced participation in governance, democratization and the general transformation of the society.

Welcome all.

The department has four members.